
pühapäev, 27. veebruar 2011

Daring Bakers: panna cotta ja florentiinid

Ilmselt tuleb nüüd Daring Bakers postitustesse väike paus, sest kohalikud kokkamistingimused ei ole just parimate killast, eriti just kõiksugu vajaliku atribuutika poolest. Ka see postitus jääb ilmselt lühikeseks, sest mu arvuti andis täna otsad - või vähemalt osa sellest. Nimelt hommikul arvutit lahti tehes vaatas mulle vastu ebatavaliselt roosa pilt, mis mõne hetke pärast muutus päris mustaks. Igasugused jamad arvutiga peavad ikka kodust kaugel juhtuma vist.... :(

Panna cotta ja florentiinid / Panna cotta and florentine cookies

Ehk siis... Väljakutse teema valis Mallory blogist A Sofa in the Kitchen - teemaks oli seekorda teha panna cottat florentiinidega. Panna cottat pidi tegema Giada De Laurentiis retsepti järgi. Retsepte ja tegemisjuhiseid saab täpsemalt vaadata SIIT.

Panna cotta ja florentiinid / Panna cotta and florentine cookies

Tegin triibulised tarretised, alumine kiht on kohvitarretis amarettoga - tasakaalustab hästi panna cotta magusat maitset. Florentiine tegin tegelikult kahesuguseid - ühed etteantud retsepti järgi, ühed mandlilaastudest (mandlilaastud + suhkur + muna), šokolaadiga kattes oleksid need kindlasti veel maitsvamad saanud :)

Panna cotta ja florentiinid / Panna cotta and florentine cookies Panna cotta ja florentiinid / Panna cotta and florentine cookies

In English
I guess it will be my last DB post for a couple of months since I'm away from home to do my practice. So for 3 months I switched Tartu and Estonia for Sofia and Bulgaria, and unfortunately our kitchen over here lacks some equipment - so it depends on the challenge actually ;)

Current post will be very quick, as today morning my laptop stopped working properly. I guess all bad things have to happen far from home :(

Anyway - the February 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Mallory from A Sofa in the Kitchen. She chose to challenge everyone to make Panna Cotta from a Giada De Laurentiis recipe and Nestle Florentine Cookies. Lucky for me, I had been wanting to make panna cotta for some time ;)

I made a layered dessert using the Giada's vanilla panna cotta and coffe jelly recipes as given, but to add a little twist I added some amaretto to the coffe jelly. It completed the panna cotta perfectly. I also made two types of florentine cookies: one with the given Nestle recipe and the other batch I made with slivered almonds. No chocolate this time ;)

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